I collect antique (victorian, edwardian) button boots and shoes. If you have any button shoes you’d like to get rid of please offer them to me.

Color Black
Heel Common Sense
# of buttons 10 per shoe; 1 is missing
Button shape round, wooden or bakelite
Brand/Manufacturer Crest with a lion on the bottom of the heel, ?
Specialty The only old/vintage/antique button shoe I currently own that are my size.
Color Black
Heel Cuban
# of buttons 10 per shoe
Button shape round, wooden
Brand/Manufacturer ?
Specialty They seem to be shoes made for display at a cobbler/shoemaker. The sole is made of wood and there are no signs of wear.
Color Black
Heel Cuban
# of buttons 10 per shoe, 2 are missing
Button shape flat, bakelite
Brand/Manufacturer ?
Specialty The top inside is lined with satin, which is already quite worn.
Color Black
Heel Cuban
# of buttons 12 per shoe
Button shape flat, bakelite
Brand/Manufacturer ?
Specialty My first pair of button shoes, which were incidentally the most expensive and in comparison the worst condition.
Color Black
Heel Military
# of buttons 9 per shoe
Button shape half-round with wire-dot in the middle
Brand/Manufacturer Tony Mora
Specialty Pair of modern reproduction shoes, western style, bought in slightly used condition. They look quite similar to 2# coincidentally